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Submission guidelines

General Guidelines


The Cardiff University Law Review reviews all submissions carefully through a rigorous, multi-step process. All submissions will be read by members of the editorial team and, if accepted for publication, structural and substantive changes may be suggested.


Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. There is no strict timeline for reviewing an article and CULR reserves the right to review texts for a reasonable period of time.


CULR is committed to open access. All published work will therefore be freely available online and authors will receive a shareable link to their articles upon publication.


We are committed to a strict policy of ZERO PLAGIARISM. Therefore, we do not permit authors to reproduce information published elsewhere without quotation marks or citations. 


Any permission required for use of copyrighted or licensed material must be obtained before submission. Permission to use copyrighted material must be obtained from the owner of the copyright. If copyrighted material belonging to others is used, the author must give full credit to the author and publisher of the work used.


Our blog posts have a word limit of 1500. Any submissions longer than that would be considered for publication in our print edition. All submissions longer than that must have an abstract of no more than 200 words detailing the general arguments and ideas in the article. Word limits do not include footnotes or citations.​


We notify authors of our decisions via email.



Structure and Format


General format

All submissions must be in Bookman Old Style, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5 and Justified Alignment. All footnotes should be in Bookman Old Style, Font Size 10, Line Spacing 1.0, and Left Aligned.


Citation Format

Use footnotes rather than endnotes. Use the OSCOLA (4th edition, 2012) style of referencing.


Foreign Words and Phrases

These should be italicized. Such words that have been generally accepted in the English language should, however, not be italicized. Examples include inter alia, status quo, et cetera, per se, etc. Do not put foreign words in quotes.



Submissions should use British English throughout (‘-ise’ and NOT ‘-ize’).



Use the OSCOLA (4th Edition) Style of Referencing.


Gender-neutral language

Gender-neutral language is encouraged. This can be achieved by using the plural or by avoiding the use of a gender-specific pronoun. If this is not appropriate, use either ‘he’ or ‘she’ throughout the entire work without alternating. You may use ‘he or she’ but not ‘he/she’ or ‘(s) he’. The use of first-person ‘I’ in submissions is generally discouraged. When communicating an opinion, the author is advised to use ‘the author’. For example, ‘the author submits that’ or ‘the author is of the opinion’.

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